Ресторан «Шердор»

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Напитки и лимонады собственного приготовления / Homemade drinks
Тархун натуральный                              Organic tarkhun 300 ml 230 rub
Клубничный лимонад                          Strawberry lemonade 300 ml 230 rub
Цитрусовый лимонад                                 Citrus lemonade 300 ml 190 rub
Классический лимонад                               Original lemonade 300 ml 180 rub
Морс клюквенный                                                Fruit homemade drink 200 ml 110 rub
Салат из свежих овощей                           Fresh vegetables salad
Baku tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, peppers and fresh herbs served with olive or vegetable oil
200 gr 315  rub
Салат столичный                                  Stolichniy salad
Original recipe for everyone’s favorite salad with chicken and cheese
200 gr 290  rub
Салат с куриной печенью                                    Chicken liver salad
A fresh mix of leaf frieze, romano with tender chicken liver, sesame seeds, cherry tomatoes and ginger-raspberry dressing
200 gr 350  rub
Салат с авокадо и семгой                                          Salmon & Avocado salad
Salad with salted delicate salmon, avocados, potatoes, quail eggs and caviar and mayonnaise dressing
220 gr 390  rub
Цезарь с креветками                                       Shrimp Caesar salad
Fresh Romaine leaves, shrimps, Parmesan cheese, Caesar dressing and homemade croutons
200 gr 395  rub
Цезарь с курицей                                       Chicken Caesar salad
Fresh Romaine leaves, chicken breast, Parmesan cheese, Caesar dressing and homemade croutons
200 gr 340  rub
Салат Шердор                                           Sherdor Salad
Sliced tender veal tenderloin strips, fried until golden brown eggplant, juicy tomatoes and sweet peppers, olive oil
150 gr 345  rub
Салат Греческий                                          Greek Salad
Original salad with sweet peppers, juicy tomatoes and cucumbers, onions, olives, soft feta cheese
200 gr 325  rub
Ачучук                                            Achuchuk salad
Traditional Uzbek salad with tomatoes, sweet white onion, pepper and fragrant basil
150 gr 310  rub
Ташкент салат                                         Tashkent salad                                                                              A delicious salad with boiled beef, juicy radish, golden fried onion served with mayonnaise and eggs                     150 gr 345  rub
Моцарелла с помидорами                                Mozarella with tomatoes & arugula salad
Baku tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, arugula dressed with balsamic cream sauce
200 gr 395  rub
Салат из  рукколы с креветками                        Arugula salad with shrimps
 Young leaves of arugula  with shrimps, tomatoes and Parmesan cheese
150 gr 395  rub
Зеленый салат с кедровыми орешками                                                         Green salad with pine nuts
 Lightweight mix of lettuce with avocado, sun-dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, spicy sauce, fresh cucumbers and pine nuts
200 gr 320  rub
Салат Учкудук                                          Uchkuduk salad
Boiled beef tongue with fresh tomatoes and spicy sauce
200 gr 315  rub
Холодные закуски/ Сold starters
Овощные палочки с сыром Блю Чиз         Vegetable sticks with cheese Blue Cheese
Cut into cubes carrots, cucumbers, celery, and bell pepper sauce with blue cheese and rye croutons
200 gr 290  rub
Свежие овощи                                       Assorted fresh vegetables
A large plate  of  “Baku” tomatoes and cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers and herbs
550 gr 490  rub
Казы из Узбекистана                           Uzbekistan Kazi                                                                            Homemade sausage made of horse meat 100/20 gr 380  rub
Язык отварной с хреном                                Boiled beef tongue with horseradish                                                                       100/30 gr 320  rub
Семга малосольная с гренками                                  Salted salmon with toast marinated             Norwegian salmon with toasted rye bread                                                                         100/50/20 gr 380  rub
Рулетики из баклажан с сыром/грецким орехом                                         Eggplant rolls with cheese and walnut
Rolls of roasted eggplant with cheese, garlic and sesame or walnut stuffing
150 gr 360  rub
Домашние сыры                                      Нomemade cheeses
Homemade cheese, smoked suluguni cheese, «Brinza» cheese, chechil cheese
200 gr 350  rub
Ассорти из свежей зелени                                     Assorted fresh herbs
Cilantro, dill, parsley, basil
75 gr 230  rub
Селедочка с картошечкой                          Herring with potatoes
Herring with boiled potatoes and sweet onions, seasoned with vegetable oil
100/100/20 gr 320  rub
Горячие закуски/Hot appetizers
Самса из слоеного теста                                        Samsa
Puff pastry with lamb or chicken
100 gr 180  rub
Чебурек                                                  Cheburek
Pastry with the lamb / chicken and cheese / suluguni cheese
100 gr 190  rub
Кутабы с сыром/свежей зеленью                                            Kutaby with cheese / fresh herbs
Puff pastry with cheese or fresh herbs served with sour milk
80/80 gr 210  rub
Гренки к пиву                                         Rye croutons
Crunchy toasted rye bread with garlic sauce and dill
120/30 gr 260  rub
Жареный сыр сулугуни                                         Grilled suluguni cheese
Grilled suluguni cheese, served with fruit sauce
200/50gr 315  rub
Шурпа                                              Shurpa soup
Broth with lamb with vegetables
300 gr 350  rub
Угра-Ош                                                     Ugra-osh soup
Chicken soup with homemade noodles
300 gr 280  rub
Суп из белых грибов                                            White mushroom soup
Nourishing tasty soup with mushrooms
300 gr 450  rub
Крем-суп из брокколи и сливок                Broccoli cream soup
Served with homemade croutons
300/30/35 gr 320  rub
Горячие блюда/Hot dishes
Узбекская кухня/Uzbek cuisine
Плов узбекский                                                Uzbek pilaf
The famous Uzbek pilaf with lamb
300/55 gr 395  rub
Манты с бараниной                                 Manta with lamb
Finely minced lamb with onions and spices in a thin pastry
200/30 gr 390  rub
Узбекский лагман                                               Uzbek lagman
Lamb fillet with thin noodles, bell peppers in a saturated broth with spices
360/30 gr 420  rub
Мясо по-восточному                                Oriental eastern meat
Veal tenderloin with vegetables in oriental sauce with sesame seeds
250 gr 425  rub
Чучвара с бараниной                           Chuchvara with lamb
Uzbek homemade ravioli with lamb. Can be ordered steamed or fried
150/30 gr 320  rub
Чучвара с курицей                                   Chuchvara with chiken
Uzbek homemade ravioli with chiken. Can be ordered steamed or fried
150/30 gr 295  rub
Ковурма лагман                                     Kovurma lagman
Handmade thin noodles fried with lamb and peppers. Served with fried egg
340 gr 420  rub
Блюда на воке/Dishes in a wok
Лапша на Ваш выбор: гречневая, яичная,рисовая,удон                                                 Noodles of your choice: buckwheat, egg, rice, udon
Лапша по-Сингапурски                                                      Singapore style noodles
Noodles with shrimp, vegetables and omelette
300 gr 340  rub
Лапша по-Уйгурски                                                             Noodles Uygur
Noodles with chicken and vegetables in oyster soy sauce
300 gr 290  rub
Лапша со свининой                                                           Noodles with Pork
Noodles with pork, vegetables and scrambled eggs with sesame-soy sauce
300 gr 290  rub
Лапша с мидиями                                                Pasta with mussels
Pasta with mussels and vegetables in oyster soy sauce
300 gr 360  rub
Рис с овощами и омлетом                                                       Rice with vegetables and omelette
Rice and vegetables and oyster omelette under soy sauce
300 gr 290  rub
Тавук-сай                                                                     Tavuk-sai
Tender fillet of chicken, fried with vegetables in sesame oil
250 gr 340  rub
Блюда на пару/Steamed dishes
Куриные котлеты на пару                                            Steamed chiken cutlet 140/50 gr 335  rub
Котлеты из кролика                                                    Steamed rabbit cutlet
Steamed rabbit cutlet served with mushroom and cream
140/50/50 gr 420  rub
Феттучине с семгой                                                                 Fettuccine with salmon
Fettuccine with salmon served with cream sauce, parmesan cheese and  tobiko caviar
300/20 gr 360  rub
Спагетти Карбонара                                                                 Spaghetti Carbonara
Spaghetti with cream sauce, bacon, egg and Parmesan cheese
300/20 gr 345  rub
Ригатони Аматричиана                                                    Rigatoni Amatrichiana
Rigatoni with tomato sauce Amatrichiana and bacon
300/20 gr 325  rub
Тальятелле Порчини                                                Tagliatelle Porcini
Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms, parmesan cheese and cream sauce
300/20 gr 450  rub
Спагетти с морепродуктами                     Seafood spaghetti
Spaghetti with mussels clams, shrimp, calamari, cherry tomatoes and sauce with white wine
300/20 gr 490  rub
Пенне а-ля Водка                                    Penne a la Vodka
Penne with ham, a tomato-cream sauce with vodka. Is loved in Italy because of its refreshing and aromatic taste
300/20 gr 350  rub
Форель  с душистыми травами                                                     Trout with aromatic herbs
Baked rainbow trout with herbs and lemon. Mediterranean recipes (price per 100g)
100 gr 175  rub
Дорада запечённая в печи                         Bream baked in the oven
Delicate bream fillet, baked with zucchini and rosemary
250 gr 650  rub
Сибас на гриле                                                                      Grilled sea bass
(Price per 100g)
100 gr 210  rub
Стейк из норвежской семги                         Grilled Norwegian salmon steak
served with zucchini
100/30/50 gr 420  rub
Королевские креветки на гриле                   Grilled shrimps (king size)
served with lemon and sweet and sour Chinese sauce
150 gr 490  rub
Шашлык из курицы                                                                Chicken shashlyk
Grilled marinated chicken
150/30/50 gr 325  rub
Шашлык из баранины                                                                             Lamb shashlyk
Grilled marinated lamp
150/30/50 gr 385  rub
Шашлык из свинины                                                                Pork shashlyk
Grilled marinated pork
150/30/50 gr 380  rub
Люля-кебаб из баранины                          Lamb lula-kebab
Grilled lamb cutlet
150/30/50 gr 385  rub
Шашлык ассорти                                                              Shashlyk assorted
Mixed shashlyk: pork, chicken, lamb, lamb lula-kebab with “adjika” sauce (big size)
600/100/100 gr 1250  rub
Гарниры/Side dishes
Брокколи на пару                                                    Steamed broccoli 150 gr 120  rub
Картофельное пюре                                                  Mashed potatoes 150 gr 90  rub
Картошечка,жаренная по-домашнему                                                              Homemade fried potatoes
served with pickled cucumber
200 gr 190  rub
Отварной картофель с укропчиком                                                                Boiled potatoes with dill 150 gr 90  rub
Картофель фри                                                       French fries 150 gr 120  rub.
Овощи на гриле                                                                    Grilled vegetables
zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes, red onion
200 gr 280  rub
Наршараб, ткемали, аджика острая, лазы грузинская, майонез, сметана, тар-тар                          Narsharab, adjika, manholes, mayonnaise, sour cream, tartar, blue cheese 50 gr 60  rub
Лаваш                                                                  Uzbek flat bread with sesame seeds(Pita)                                100 gr 60  rub
Лепешка узбекская с кунжутом                     Uzbek flat bread with sesame seeds                                                           90 gr 30  rub
Лепешка узбекская с аджикой                  Flatbread with adjika
Served with adjika
180/50 gr 95  rub
Пахлава домашняя                                                                   Baklava homemade
Delicate puff pastry and walnuts soaked in honey
105 gr 230  rub
Панакота                                                                           Panna Cotta
Melt-in-your mouth dessert of sweet cream and vanilla
100 gr 230  rub
Тирамису                                                                            Tiramisu
Mascarpone cheese with a crunchy layer of  Savoiardi pastry soaked with coffee syrup
100 gr 255  rub
Яблочный штрудель                                                                Apple strudel
Served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
140/60 gr 320  rub
Вишневый штрудель                                                                Cherry strudel
Served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
140/60 gr 320  rub
Чиз-кейк                                                                             Cheesecake
Delicate dessert of Philadelphia cream cheese. Prepared by the New York original recipe
135/10 gr 260  rub
Блинчики с ванильным мороженным             Pancakes with vanilla ice cream
Thin pancakes with vanilla ice cream
160/50 gr 260  rub
Витаминный десерт                                                                               Vitamin dessert
Strawberries, fruits and nuts, served with homemade honey
230 gr 310  rub
Ягодный суп                                           Berry soup
A dessert soup made with fresh raspberries and strawberries, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
140/60 gr 370  rub
Ассорти из орехов и сухофруктов                                                                Assorted nuts and dried fruits
Almonds, walnuts, prunes, dried apricots
200 gr 320  rub
Фруктовый салат                                                                    Fruit salad
Apple, orange, pear, strawberry and sour sauce
200 gr 320  rub
Домашние блинчики                                                                              Homemade pancakes
Served with sour cream/ jam/ honey
160/50 gr 230  rub
Сырники домашние                                                                 Homemade syrniki
Served with sour cream or jam
160/50 gr 245  rub
Свежая клубника со сливками                                                                     Fresh strawberries with cream 150/20 gr 320  rub
Мороженое                                                                          Ice cream
Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate
1 ball/60 gr 90  rub
Мед натуральный пасечный  / Honey beekeeping 50 gr 100  rub
Варенье домашнее на выбор:                                                        Homemade jam
из айвы, инжира, грецкого ореха, белой черешни, малины, вишни                                                     quince, fig, walnut, white cherry, raspberry, cherry
100 gr 120  rub
Торты на заказ / Cakes by order
Торт фруктово-ягодный                                                                                         Fruit and berry cake
Low-calories cream on a layer of soft sponge cake with fruit
1,0 kg 2100  rub
Торт по индивидуальному заказу                                                                 Cake-to-order
Cake-to-order with figures of hand-molded out of marzipan
1,0 kg 2500  rub
Эстерхази                                                                                   Esterhazy
Legendary Hungarian cake with the addition of walnuts
1,0 kg 2500  rub
Чиз-кейк                                                                                                          Cheesecake
Delicate dessert of Philadelphia cream cheese. Prepared by the New York original recipe
1,0 kg 2500  rub
Медовик                                                                              Honey cake
sweet cake with sour cream
1,0 kg 1900  rub
Открытый пирог с ягодами                                                                         Berries flan
A cake made of thin pastry with sweet cream and juicy berries
1,0 kg 1500  rub